2014年9月9日 星期二

Nagoya Castle may double as wedding chapel 名古屋城也許會兼做為婚禮禮拜堂

Nagoya Castle may double as wedding chapel

Die-hard history buffs may scowl, and the samurai warlords may be rolling in their graves, but Nagoya Mayor Takashi Kawamura seems to think opening Nagoya Castle to the public for use as a wedding hall may be a match made in heaven in a financial sense.

The proposal was made last year by an assembly member as a means to rejuvenate the city.

"If we could hold weddings at such a symbolic structure of Nagoya, nothing could beat that in terms of catching attention. It would take on a new significance beyond simply being a tourist site," said Liberal Democratic Party assembly member Takayuki Nakazato on Nov. 25, the opening day of the assembly session.

Mayor Kawamura was quick to show interest in the opposition party assembly member’s proposal.

"If we could get someone to do that, it would be a great benefit," Kawamura said, on the plan to convert the castle into a wedding hall.

Nagoya Castle was built in 1612 as a strategic post to fend off attacks against the Tokugawa Shogunate from the west. Despite sustaining major damage in air raids during World War II, three corner towers and the walls remain intact.


roll/turn(over)in one’s grave:片語,在墳墓裡打滾,死不瞑目。例句:If our late grandfather heard you say that, he’d turn over in his grave.(你過世的阿公要是聽到你這樣說,一定會死不瞑目。)

a match made in heaven:片語,天作之合。


