2013年3月30日 星期六

Employers can fire workers they find too sexy, Iowa court rules 愛荷華州法院:雇主有權解雇過於性感的員工

Employers can fire workers they find too sexy, Iowa court rules 

The Iowa Supreme Court ruled on Friday that employers in the state can legally fire workers they find too attractive.

In a unanimous decision, the court held that a dentist did not violate the state’s civil rights act when he terminated a female dental assistant whom his wife considered a threat to their marriage.

The dental assistant, Melissa Nelson, who worked for dentist James Knight for more than 10 years and had never flirted with him, according to the testimony of both parties, sued, saying she would not have been fired if she were a man.

At trial, Knight testified he had complained to Nelson on several occasions that her clothing was too tight, revealing and "distracting."

But sometime in 2009, he also began exchanging text messages with Nelson. Most of these were work-related and harmless, according to testimony. But others were more suggestive, including one in which Knight asked Nelson how often she had an orgasm.

In early 2010, he fired her, saying their relationship had become a detriment to his family.

The high court ruled that bosses can fire workers they find too attractive and that such actions do not amount to unlawful discrimination.(Reuters)


unanimous:形容詞,全體一致的;一致同意的。例句:They reached unanimous agreement. (他們達成一致的意見。)

flirt:動詞,調情。例句:She flirted with David.(她與大衛眉來眼去。)

detriment︰名詞,損害。例句:Are you sure that I can follow this diet without detriment to my health?(你確定我可以這樣吃來減肥,不會傷身體嗎?)

