2013年3月30日 星期六

Walking linked to fewer strokes in women:study 研究:走路與女性中風風險較低有關

Walking linked to fewer strokes in women:study 

Women who walk at least three hours every week are less likely to suffer a stroke than women who walk less or not at all, according to research from Spain that looked at thousands of people.

While the current study, which appeared in the journal Stroke, cannot prove that regular walking caused the fewer strokes, it contributes to a small body of evidence for potential relationships between specific kinds of exercise and risk for specific diseases.

Past studies have also linked physical activity to fewer strokes, which can be caused by built-up plaque in arteries or ruptured blood vessels in the brain.

Women who walked briskly for 210 minutes or more per week had a lower stroke risk than inactive women but also lower than those who cycled and did other higher-intensity workouts for a shorter amount of time.


contribute:動詞,貢獻、提供、捐款。例句:Her family have contributed£50,000 to the fund.(他的家人捐了5萬英鎊給這個基金會。)

brisk:形容詞,輕快的。例句:Her tone on the phone was brisk.(他在電話裡的語調明快。)

workout:名詞,運動、鍛鍊,來自動詞片語work out。例句:Kevin works out in the gym two or three times a week.(凱文一週上健身房鍛鍊2到3次。)

