2013年3月31日 星期日

No breaking wind, burping or slurping! 不能放屁、打嗝,或喝湯發出嘖嘖

No breaking wind, burping or slurping!

Townsfolk in a Spanish village have been banned from farting, burping and slurping their soup in public in a new charter to combat rude behaviour.

They are among 65 indelicacies that have been outlawed by the Mayor of La Toba, 70 miles northeast of Madrid.

Touching genitals, adjusting underwear or picking noses are strict no-nos, while coughing or yawning without covering mouths and speaking when eating are also barred. Children will get into big trouble with the local authority if they fail to regularly visit their grandparents.

Mayor Julian Atienza Garcia, of Spain’s United Left Party, drew up the guidelines, which have been signed off by the local council, to combat the erosion of public civility.

But the guidelines have not been welcomed by all. Some villagers have called for his resignation after publishing the "courtesy charter" in the village newsletter. One critic posted an online rant saying the next move would be to ’’insert microchips in everyone’s brain to control them’’.


break wind:片語,放屁。例句:Someone in the bus broke wind. It smelled terrible.(公車上某人放了屁,味道真可怕。)

outlaw:動詞,禁止。例句:The new law will outlaw smoking in public places.(這項新法律禁止在公共場合抽菸。)

no-no:名詞,禁忌,不適當的事情。例句:Wearing shorts to work is a no-no.(上班不宜穿短褲。)

