2013年3月29日 星期五

Ornery dog leads to $1M Idaho lottery win 頑固狗帶來100萬元的愛達荷樂透彩大獎

Ornery dog leads to $1M Idaho lottery win 頑固狗帶來100萬元的愛達荷樂透彩大獎

A group of blue collar University of Utah workers will split $1 million in lottery winnings thanks to a set of keys left in a truck and an ornery little dog named "Stella."

Thirteen years after playing the same set of numbers every month in the Idaho lottery, the group of 33 workers who work on heating and cooling university buildings hit pay dirt when Steve Hughes left his truck running to keep his dog "Stella" warm while he went inside to a gas station near Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, on Jan. 6. Utah has no lottery.

When he returned to his truck, his miniature pinscher had locked him out by putting her paw on the manual lock. Hughes, 29, planned to buy the ticket elsewhere, but instead he had his girlfriend buy it there while he tried to open the door with a slim jim.

He eventually coached Stella to put her paws on the electronic window button in the back seat, allowing Hughes to get in the car.

What seemed like an annoying delay that day turned out to be serendipitous when the group discovered Wednesday night that they had won second prize in the Idaho Powerball. (AP)



hit pay dirt:慣用語,形容發現有價值之物或成功致富。例句:He finally hit pay dirt with his 10th movie and became one of the most famous movie directors in the world.(他終於在拍攝第10部電影後成功致富,躋身世界名導之林。)

lock someone out:慣用語,把某人關在外面不讓他進來。例句:I locked myself out of my apartment last night.(我昨晚把自己關在公寓外〔意指出門忘記帶鑰匙〕。)


