2013年3月31日 星期日

Prison food too good to leave 監獄飯菜太好囚犯不想出獄

Prison food too good to leave 

Inmates of an Indian prison are reportedly refusing to apply for bail because the food is so good.

Parappana Agrahara prison in Bangalore is crowded with 4,700 inmates, more than twice its capacity. Small-time criminals are refusing to apply for bail to get out while juvenile offenders are lying about their age to get in, reports the Bangalore Mirror.

The paper says the reason is healthy food being served by ISKCON, or the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, a Hindu evangelist organisation.

Lunch and dinner typically include piping hot rice, two vegetables and a spicy lentil dish called sambar and buttermilk. A dessert is added on festival days and national holidays like Independence Day, and also once a week.
午餐與晚餐通常包括熱騰騰白飯、兩份蔬菜、一道叫sambar煮奶油牛奶的辣扁豆料理。 節慶或獨立紀念日等國定假日時外加甜點,平常則每週供應一次甜點。

Prisoner Raja Reddy, who has been arrested 20 times in 30 years for theft, robbery and burglary, said: "When we are getting tasty, nutritious food three times a day here, why should we go out and commit crimes."


bail:名詞,保釋金,保釋、jump bail(棄保潛逃);動詞,(繳保釋金)保釋(某人)。 She was bailed out of prison.(她被保釋出獄。)

juvenile︰少年的、幼稚的,如 juvenile books (少年讀物),juvenile delinquent /offender(少年犯)。

commit:動詞,犯(罪)、做(錯事等)。I committed an error in handling the business.(我處理業務時犯了一個錯誤。)

