2013年3月31日 星期日

North Korea’s Kim Jong-un in first major public speech 北韓金正恩首度發表重要公開演說

North Korea’s Kim Jong-un in first major public speech 

North Korean new leader Kim Jong-un has made his first televised public speech, as Pyongyang marks the centenary of the birth of the country’s founder.

He offered respects to grandfather Kim Il-sung and late father Kim Jong-il. Mr Kim praised the "military first" doctrine and said the time his nation could be threatened was "forever over".

There was also a huge military parade in the main square which unveiled what appeared to be a large new missile -- two days after a failed rocket launch. The launch was condemned by the international community, amid concern that it was a covert test of long-range missile technology.

"I express my greetings to our compatriots in South Korea and across the world who dedicate themselves to reunification and the prosperity of the nations," he said reading from a script, in an address that lasted more than 20 minutes, as the crowds applauded throughout.

Mr Kim said peace was important but national pride more so. "Let us move forward to final victory," he said. Mr Kim praised the country’s "military first" policy. "Superiority in military technology is no longer monopolised by imperialists," he said.


centenary:名詞,百年;百年紀念;一世紀。例句:The university has just celebrated its centenary.(這所大學剛慶祝創校百年。)

covert:形容詞,隱蔽的;隱藏的;暗地的。例句:A man has been jailed for seven months for bike theft after a covert police operation.(一名男子在警方秘密行動後因腳踏車竊盜案服刑7個月。)

monopolise:動詞,獨佔;專賣;壟斷;完全控制。例句:They are controlling so much cocoa that they are virtually monopolising the market.(他們控制大量可可,幾乎壟斷整個市場。)

