2013年3月27日 星期三

Brussels to fine offensive language 當街罵人 布魯塞爾開罰

Brussels to fine offensive language 
當街罵人 布魯塞爾開罰

The people of the Brussels will have to mind their manners from now on, with the city authorities announcing new fines of up to 250 euros for insults traded on the streets.

"Any form of insult is from now on punishable, whether it be racist, homophobic or otherwise," a spokesman quoted Socialist mayor Freddy Thielemans as saying.

Brussels, home to the EU and many top international institutions, is known for its family-friendly and cultivated lifestyle but the mayor wants to crack down on the everyday unpleasantness found in any big city.

To do so, officials came to an agreement with judicial authorities to impose fines of between 75 and 250 euros for insults, petty theft and rough jostling where no physical harm is caused.

The issue was highlighted in a recent film by Belgian director Sofie Peeters who recorded in secret the everyday insults and exchanges she ran into on the streets of the city.

To do so, officials came to an agreement with judicial authorities to impose fines of between 75 and 250 euros for insults, petty theft and rough jostling where no physical harm is caused.

The issue was highlighted in a recent film by Belgian director Sofie Peeters who recorded in secret the everyday insults and exchanges she ran into on the streets of the city.


crack down on:鎮壓、採取嚴厲措施。The Federal Government is considering a crack down on the tax evasion.(聯邦政府正考慮取締逃稅。)

run into:片語,遇到;撞上;(使)陷入(困境、債務等)。例句:Never run into debt. (千萬不要陷入負債中。)

exchange:名詞,交換;交火;交談(常指口角、爭吵)。例句:There’ve been some bitter exchanges between the two groups.(兩團體之間發生過激烈的爭吵。)

