《中英對照讀新聞》Canadian astronaut appeals for peace from space 加拿大太空人自太空呼籲和平
Reflecting on a recent photo he snapped from outer space of war-torn Syria, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield appealed for peace from his perch in the sky, saying: "We’re all in this together."
"The perspective that we are subject to, that we are privileged enough to see directly with our eyes, is one I think would benefit everyone, to go around the world in just slightly over 90 minutes... you see it as one place," Hadfield told a news conference streamed from the International Space Station.
"And so when we do look down on a place that is currently in great turmoil or strife, it’s hard to reconcile the inherent patience and beauty of the world with the terrible things that we can do to each other as people and can do to the Earth itself," he said.
On January 2, Hadfield had posted a picture of Latakia, Syria, on his Twitter account with the message: "Deceptively calm and beautiful, strife-torn on the shore on the sea. Peaceful from such a distance."
Syria has been steeped in conflict for the past 21 months, with the violence claiming the lives of more than 60,000 people, according to the United Nations.(AFP)
perch:名詞,指(位置較高的)休息處、高處,如The lifeguard watches the swimmers from her perch.(救生員自位於高處的休息區監看泳客狀況。)
strife:名詞,正式用語,指非常憤怒,或者兩群人或團體之間產生暴力衝突,如Twenty years of civil strife have left the country’s economy in ruins.(長達20年的國內動亂導致該國經濟凋敝。)
steep:動詞,通常用be steeped in,指被某種品質或影響力所環繞,如It was a time in the nation’s history that was steeped in bloodshed.(那個時代的國家歷史充滿著血腥戰禍。)