2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》Cat Helps Boy With Selective Mutism Say "I Love You" For The First Time 貓咪幫助選擇性失語症男孩第一次說「我愛你」

《中英對照讀新聞》Cat Helps Boy With Selective Mutism Say "I Love You" For The First Time 貓咪幫助選擇性失語症男孩第一次說「我愛你」



A family puss has been named National Cat of the Year, thanks for his role in enabling a little boy with an anxiety disorder to utter the words "I love you".


The two-year-old feline, known as Jessi-Cat, was honoured at the Cats Protection’s National Cat Awards ceremony on Thursday.


Jessi-Cat is a constant companion to seven-year-old Lorcan Dillon, who has selective mutism, a condition which affects his ability to speak and express himself and often leaves him feeling isolated and lonely.


Thanks to Jessi-Cat, Lorcan is finally able to say ’’I love you’’ and has learnt ways to share his emotions when he finds it difficult to speak to people.


The Cats Protection’s National Cat Awards are the UK’s largest celebration of real-life stories of companionship, bravery and survival in the feline world.


At a ceremony at London’s Savoy Hotel, winners were chosen in five categories – Best Friends, Hero Cat, Most Incredible Story, Outstanding Rescue Cat and Celebrity Cat.


Jessi-Cat was crowned overall winner after first winning the Best Friends category, chosen by celebrity judge, ex-YES keyboardist Rick Wakeman.


Rick said:’’The bond between Jessi-Cat and Lorcan is incredible. Jessi-Cat helps Lorcan to communicate and express emotions that ordinarily Lorcan wouldn’t be able to do.’’



leave︰動詞,此處指處於某種狀態、聽任。例句︰Fear left his lips stiff.(恐懼使他張口結舌。)

real-life︰形容詞,真實的、現實的。例如︰a real-life scene.(真實的場景。)

bone︰名詞,約束(力)、連結、聯繫。例句︰The very act strengthened his bond with me.(正是這一行動,增強了他與我的聯繫。)

