2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》Einstein’s brain is now interactive iPad app 愛因斯坦的大腦現在成為iPad互動應用程式

《中英對照讀新聞》Einstein’s brain is now interactive iPad app 愛因斯坦的大腦現在成為iPad互動應用程式



The brain that revolutionized physics now can be downloaded as an app for $9.99. But it won’t help you win at Angry Birds.


While Albert Einstein’s genius isn’t included, an exclusive iPad application launched Tuesday promises to make detailed images of his brain more accessible to scientists than ever before. Teachers, students and anyone who’s curious also can get a look.


A medical museum under development in Chicago obtained funding to scan and digitize nearly 350 fragile and priceless slides made from slices of Einstein’s brain after his death in 1955. The application will allow researchers and novices to peer into the eccentric Nobel winner’s brain as if they were looking through a microscope.


After Einstein died, a pathologist named Thomas Harvey performed an autopsy, removing the great man’s brain in hopes that future researchers could discover the secrets behind his genius.


Harvey gave samples to researchers and collaborated on a 1999 study published in the Lancet. That study showed a region of Einstein’s brain — the parietal lobe — was 15 percent wider than normal. The parietal lobe is important to the understanding of math, language and spatial relationships.


The new iPad app may allow researchers to dig even deeper by looking for brain regions where the neurons are more densely connected than normal. (AP)



exclusive:形容詞,專有的、獨有的。例句:Our group will have an exlusive room. (我們這組會有專屬的房間)。

accessible:形容詞,容易取得、使用。例句:The main purpose of the project is to make learning opportunities more accessible to adults. (本計畫的主要目的是要讓成人更容易取得學習機會。)

eccentric:形容詞,古怪的、反常的。例句:My brother is an eccentric person who likes wearing women’s perfume. (我弟弟性情古怪,愛噴女人香水。)

