2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》French phone bill waived after 12qn-euro blunder 法國電話費帳單發生12千兆歐元的烏龍後全免除

《中英對照讀新聞》French phone bill waived after 12qn-euro blunder 法國電話費帳單發生12千兆歐元的烏龍後全免除



A woman in south-west France, who received a telephone bill of nearly 12 quadrillion euros, has had the real amount she owed waived - after the company admitted its mistake.


Solenne San Jose, from Pessac outside Bordeaux, said she received a huge shock when she opened the bill for 11,721,000,000,000,000 euros.


She said she "almost had a heart attack. There were so many zeroes I couldn’t even work out how much it was".


This is nearly 6,000 times France’s annual economic output. The former teaching assistant had requested her account be closed after losing her job.


The phone company, Bouygues Telecom, initially told her there was nothing they could do to amend the computer-generated statement and later offered to set up instalments to pay off the bill.


In the end, the company admitted the bill should have been for 117.21 euros only, and eventually waived it altogether.


It has also apologised for the gaffe, which it says was down to a printing error and a subsequent misunderstanding between the client and staff at their call centre.



waive:動詞,拋棄、放棄,免除。例句:The defendant waived his right to appeal his sentence.(被告放棄對他所受判刑提出上訴的權利。)

work out:動詞片語,解決,成功,訂出、做出(方法、計畫)。例句: I don’t think their long distance relationship will work out.(我不認為他們的遠距戀愛談得下去。)

instalment(同installment):名詞,分期付款,連載刊物的一期、一部。例句: You can pay the income tax in instalments.(你可以用分期付款繳所得稅。)

