2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》Iran’s Fars agency sorry for running the Onion spoof story 伊朗法斯通訊社為刊登洋蔥網站的假新聞道歉

《中英對照讀新聞》Iran’s Fars agency sorry for running the Onion spoof story 伊朗法斯通訊社為刊登洋蔥網站的假新聞道歉



An Iranian news agency has apologised after being fooled by a spoof story from a US satirical website.


Fars news agency said on its website that its news item "was extracted" from the Onion website on Friday, but was taken down in less than two hours.


The Onion’s story claimed that rural Americans preferred Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Barack Obama.


Fars’ editor-in-chief said he still believed that US politicians were deeply unpopular with their public.


"Although it does not justify our mistake, we do believe that if a free opinion poll is conducted in the US, a majority of Americans would prefer anyone outside the US political system to President Barack Obama and American statesmen," the Fars story quoted the unnamed editor as saying.


"FNA makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of its reports, however very occasionally mistakes do happen."


The report then goes on to list errors it says have been made by other news organisations over the years, including the BBC, New York Times and ITV.


Fars, which is affiliated with the powerful Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), did not credit the Onion for its original report.



spoof︰名詞或動詞,嘲諷,誑騙。例句:The song is a spoof of politicians.(這首歌是對政客的嘲諷。)

prefer:動詞,比較喜歡、寧願;prefer A to B:寧可A而不要B,喜歡A甚於B。例句:I prefer traveling alone.(我比較喜歡一個人旅行。)

extract:動詞或名詞,摘錄、擷取。例句:An extract of my new book was published on today’s newspaper.(今天的報紙刊登了我的新書摘要。)

