2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》Julia Gillard poll bounce following misogyny speech 澳洲總理吉拉德民調在歧視女性演說後攀升

《中英對照讀新聞》Julia Gillard poll bounce following misogyny speech 澳洲總理吉拉德民調在歧視女性演說後攀升



Julia Gillard’s approval rating has risen significantly in the first public opinion survey since the Australian prime minister branded her conservative opponent, Tony Abbott, a sexist and misogynist.


The Herald/Nielsen poll, carried out a week after Gillard’s landmark speech to parliament, showed her personal standing among men and women improved by five points to 47%.

吉拉德於國會發表上述重要演說一週後,前鋒報與尼爾森公司進行的民調發現,吉拉德在男性與女性間的支持度都上升5個百分點至47% 。

More than 2 million people have viewed the video of Gillard’s speech in which she told Abbott that if he wanted to know what a misogynist in modern Australia looked like he should look in a mirror. The prime minister also tore strips off Abbott for standing in front of signs outside parliament urging voters to "Ditch the witch".


In the days that followed the speech, Abbott accused Gillard of playing the gender card and of having double standards on sexism after she refused to sack the (now former) parliamentary speaker, Peter Slipper, for sending vulgar text messages.


Following the heated debate on sexism and misogyny, Australia’s most authoritative dictionary, the Macquarie Dictionary, broadened its definition of misogyny to include "entrenched prejudice against women" rather than "pathological hatred". It brought it in line with the complete Oxford dictionary, which changed its definition in 2002.



misogyny:名詞,原指厭惡女性,現多用來指認為男性較女性優越、歧視女性的偏見,如There’s a disturbing misogyny in his films.(他的電影裡對女性的歧視態度令人不安。)

tear a strip off somebody/tear somebody off a strip :(英國與澳洲非正式用語),指怒斥某人的過錯,如She tore him off a strip for being late.(他遲到讓她大發脾氣。)

card:名詞,指讓人取得優勢的辦法或手段,如She used/played the gender card and said we didn’t hire her because she’s a woman.(她使出性別牌,指控我們是因為她身為女性才不僱用她。)

