2013年3月27日 星期三

Scientists solve 3,000-year-old pharaonic whodunit 科學家解開有3000年歷史的法老謀殺案

Scientists solve 3,000-year-old pharaonic whodunit 

An assassin slit the throat of Egypt’s last great pharaoh at the climax of a bitter succession battle, scientists said Monday in a report on a 3,000-year-old royal murder.

Forensic technology suggests Ramses III, a king revered as a god, met his death at the hand of a killer, or killers, sent by his wife and ambitious son, they said.

And a cadaver known as the "Screaming Mummy" could be that of the son himself, possibly forced to commit suicide after the plot, they added.

Computed tomography(CT)imaging of the mummy of Ramses III shows that the pharaoh’s windpipe and major arteries were slashed, inflicting a wound 70 millimetres wide and reaching almost to the spine, the investigators said. The cut severed all the soft tissue on the front of the neck.

"I have almost no doubt about the fact that Ramses III was killed by this cut in his throat," palaeopathologist Albert Zink of the EURAC Institute for Mummies and the Iceman in Italy told AFP.
義大利木乃伊與冰人研究院古病理學家辛克告訴法新社:「我幾乎能篤定說, 拉美西斯三世是遭割喉喪命。」

Ramses III, who ruled from about 1188 to 1155 BC, is described in ancient documents as the "Great God" and a military leader who defended Egypt.
拉美西斯三世在位時間約為西元前1188年至1155年 ,在古文件中被形容為「偉大的神」與捍衛埃及的軍方領袖。

He was about 65 when he died, but the cause of his death has never been clear. History shows, though, that the plotters failed to derail the line of succession. Ramses was succeeded by his chosen heir, his son Amonhirkhopshef.(AFP)


revere:動詞,崇敬、尊重、尊敬。例句:Mr. Holmes was revered for his great learning. (荷姆斯先生因為學識淵博受到崇敬。)

sever:動詞,割斷、斷絕。例句:The head was severed from the body.(頭和身體被切斷開來。)

derail:動詞,打亂(原訂計畫)。例句:The plot is seen by some as an attempt to derail the negotiations.(有些人認為這項陰謀企圖打亂談判。)

