2013年3月27日 星期三

Sea snails show impact of more acidic ocean 海螺顯示海洋酸化的影響

Sea snails show impact of more acidic ocean 

The shells of some marine snails in the seas around Antarctica are dissolving as the water becomes more acidic, threatening the food chain, a study published in the journal Nature Geoscience said.

Oceans soak up about a quarter of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere each year and as CO2 levels in the atmosphere increase from burning fossil fuels, so do ocean levels, making seas more acidic.

Ocean acidification is one of the effects of climate change and threatens coral reefs, marine ecosystems and wildlife.

The shell of the pteropod sea snail in the Southern Ocean was severely dissolved by more acidic surface water, the researchers from the British Antarctic Survey, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and other institutions found.

And although the snails did not necessarily die, it increased their vulnerability to predators and infection which could affect other parts of the food chain.

The sea snails are an important source of food for fish and birds as well as an indicator of marine ecosystem health.

Since the start of the industrial revolution, the acidity of surface ocean waters has increased by 30 percent, according to NOAA research.

If CO2 levels continue to rise in the future, surface waters could be almost 150 percent more acidic by the end of this century, which has not been experienced for more than 20 million years. (Reuters)


dissolve︰動詞,溶解、分解、解散,也有情不自禁之意。例句︰She dissolved in a flood of tears.(她不禁淚如雨下。)

soak up︰動詞片語,吸收、攝取。例句︰The earth soaks up rainwater.(大地吸收雨水。)

vulnerability︰名詞,脆弱(性)、易遭攻擊(性)。例句︰Given our vulnerability to natural disasters, we should enhance our ability to respond.(鑑於對天災的脆弱性,我們應提升應變的能力。)

