2013年3月27日 星期三

Bad sleep may predict Alzheimer’s, says study 睡不好可能預告阿茲海默氏症,研究說

Bad sleep may predict Alzheimer’s, says study 

Problems sleeping may be an early sign of Alzheimer’s if a study in mice also applies to people, say researchers.

Clumps of protein, called plaques, in the brain are thought to be a key component of the illness. A study, published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, showed that when plaques first developed, the mice started having disrupted sleep.

The hunt for early hints that someone is developing Alzheimer’s is thought to be crucial for treating the disease. People do not show problems with their memory or clarity of thought until very late on in the disease. At this point, parts of the brain will have been destroyed, meaning treatment will be very difficult or maybe even impossible.

Levels of the beta amyloid protein naturally rise and fall over 24 hours in both mice and people. However, the protein forms permanent plaques in Alzheimer’s disease. Experiments at Washington University showed that nocturnal mice slept for 40 minutes during every hour of daylight. However, as soon brain plaques started to form the mice were sleeping for only 30 minutes.


apply to:片語,適用。例句:That bit of the form is for UK citizens - it doesn’t apply to you.(表格的那一部分是讓英國公民填寫,你不適用。)

clump:名詞,團,塊。例句:There were big clumps of soil on his boots.(他的靴子上有大塊土壤。)

nocturnal:形容詞,夜行性的,夜間出沒的。例句:Most bats are nocturnal.(大部分蝙蝠都是夜行性。)

