2013年3月27日 星期三

Japan collector puts Dali, Miro, Warhol on sale 日本收藏家出售達利、米羅與沃荷作品

Japan collector puts Dali, Miro, Warhol on sale 

A Japanese museum showcasing art created in countries on the 43rd parallel will sell off its 400-piece collection, including prints by Salvador Dali and Joan Miro, the owner said.

Masaru Miyata, 69, opened the N43 Degrees Museum in 1997, after a decade collecting the artworks as he travelled in Europe, North America, China and Mongolia, visiting countries lying on that line of latitude.

The collector established the museum in Kushiro, a city also on N43, on Japan’s main northern island of Hokkaido.

"I wanted to compare and contrast the artworks created on the same latitude," Miyata said, telling AFP that he was planning to close the museum in November because of his age and health concerns.

"I collected them as I backpacked the world over many years, so it is unbearable to let them go separately. I hope the entire collection will be acquired as a whole," he said.

"I don’t mind selling the whole collection for about 20 million yen ($251,000), one-tenth of what I spent, but I haven’t yet been able to find a new owner," Miyata said. (AFP)
「我不介意以約2000萬日圓(25萬1000美元),也就是我斥資的10分之1價格出售整體收藏,但我還沒能找到新館主,」宮田說。 (法新社)


sell off:慣用語,拋售,出清存貨或廉價出售。例句:We sold off all the excess stock.(我們出清所有多餘庫存。)

unbearable:形容詞,令人無法忍受。例句:Residents have long claimed that the noise is so unbearable that it wakes them up in the middle of the nigh.(居民早就宣稱,噪音大到無法忍受,還會在半夜把他們吵醒。)

as a whole:慣用語,做為一個整體,總的來說。例句:Unemployment in this city is much higher than for the country as a whole.(本市失業率比全國整體失業率高得多。)

