2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》Dog quickly takes in, nurses stray kitten in Minn. 明尼蘇達州狗狗迅速接手餵流浪貓吃奶

《中英對照讀新聞》Dog quickly takes in, nurses stray kitten in Minn. 明尼蘇達州狗狗迅速接手餵流浪貓吃奶



A Minnesota woman says she was shocked when her small dog began caring for an abandoned kitten, then started producing milk and nursing the fuzzy gray stray to health.


Pat Weber says the kitten was days old when her grandson found it in the family’s barn in early September in Jordan, about 40 miles southwest of Minneapolis.


She says the 2-inch-long kitten was "ice cold." But she felt it move, so she wrapped the kitten in a warm towel. Then it began meowing - and her 4-year-old Pekingese perked up.


The tawny pooch named Mittens began licking the kitten, who nuzzled in and began suckling. Mittens hadn’t had puppies in two years, yet she eventually began producing milk. She’s been nursing the kitten ever since. (AP)



take in:慣用語,汲取知識、欺騙、衣服改小、接手照顧或支持等等。例句:The family took in the five stray dogs.(這家人收容5隻流浪狗。)

perk up:慣用語,變得生氣勃勃。例句:The plants perked up nicely after a bit of water.(這植物在澆了一點水後恢復生氣。)

ever since:從那時起到現在,since的加強語氣用法。例句:They divorced ten years ago, and haven’t met each other ever since.(他們10年前離婚後就再也沒有見過面了。)

