2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》Poll:Germans accept nuke exit despite rising bill 民調︰儘管帳單攀升,德國人仍接受廢核

《中英對照讀新聞》Poll:Germans accept nuke exit despite rising bill 民調︰儘管帳單攀升,德國人仍接受廢核



A new poll finds that a large majority of Germans back the government’s decision to phase out nuclear power and switch to renewable energies within a decade, despite rising electricity bills.


The poll for German news magazine Focus published Sunday found that 72 percent continue to support the country’s energy switchover. Only 24 percent were opposed to the policy.


Germany’s grid operators announced earlier this month that a surcharge on households’ electricity prices financing the expansion of renewable energies will increase by 47 percent starting in January. A typical family of four will then have to pay about (euro) 250 ($325) per year on top of their bill.


Polling agency Forsa surveyed 1,000 people this week. Focus did not provide the poll’s margin of error.



phase out︰動詞片語,分階段(逐步)停止。相反詞為phase in(逐步採用)。例句︰If passed, the plan will be phased in.(該計畫若獲通過,將逐步施行。)

switchover︰名詞,轉換、徹底改變。例句︰The switchover from analog to digital TV services in Taiwan has been completed.(台灣已完成類比電視全面轉換至數位電視服務的工程。)

on top of︰片語,除了…之外(還)。例句︰On top of being dull, he’s unfriendly.(他除了遲鈍外,還不友善。)

