2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》Grapefruit and pills mix warning 葡萄柚與藥丸混食警告

《中英對照讀新聞》Grapefruit and pills mix warning 葡萄柚與藥丸混食警告



Doctors have warned of a "lack of knowledge" about the dangers of mixing some medications with grapefruit. The fruit can cause overdoses of some drugs by stopping the medicines being broken down in the intestines and the liver.


The researchers who first identified the link said the number of drugs that became dangerous with grapefruit was increasing rapidly.


The team at the Lawson Health Research Institute in Canada said the number of drugs which had serious side effects with grapefruit had gone from 17 in 2008 to 43 in 2012. They include some drugs for a range of conditions including blood pressure, cancer and cholesterol-lowering statins and those taken to suppress the immune system after an organ transplant.


Chemicals in grapefruit, furanocoumarins, wipe out an enzyme which breaks the drugs down.



overdose:名詞,過量。例句:When he was 17 he took an overdose of sleeping pills and nearly died.(他17歲時曾因安眠藥服用過量差點死亡。)

break down:片語,分解。例句:These enzymes break down food in the stomach.(這些酵素在胃裡面分解食物。)

wipe out:片語,消滅,徹底摧毀。例句:Whole villages were wiped out in the fighting.(村莊在這場戰鬥中摧毀殆盡。)

