2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》The 100-year Starship project that plans to transport humans beyond the solar system 百年星艦計畫擬載人到太陽系之外

《中英對照讀新聞》The 100-year Starship project that plans to transport humans beyond the solar system 百年星艦計畫擬載人到太陽系之外



The 100-year Starship project that plans to transport humans beyond the solar system


A dramatic plan to transport humans beyond the solar system within 100 years today received the backing of former President Bill Clinton.


The 100-year Starship project, which was set up with US military seed funding, plans to develop huge ’starships’ to send humans far into space.


It has already received large amounts of funding, and former President Bill Clinton has even stepped in to serve as the symposium’s Honorary Chair.


In a statement, Clinton said:’This important effort helps advance the knowledge and technologies required to explore space, all while generating the necessary tools that enhance our quality of life on earth.’


The astronuat who became the first black woman in space in 1992 has been chosen to skipper the ’100 Year Starship’ project. Mae Jemison will lead the project to explore what it would take for a multigenerational mission beyond the solar system.


’The 100 Year Starship will make the capability of human travel beyond our solar system to another star a reality over the next 100 years,’ she said.



seed funding:種子基金,專門投資於創業企業研究與發展階段的投資基金。

symposium:名詞,研討會; 座談會。複數形態為symposia。例句:I have attended a large number of symposia and conferences on the business of stockbroking.(我參加了不少以股票買賣為專題的研討會和會議。)

skipper:動詞,擔任船長、球隊隊長等;帶領。例句:He skippered his team to victory.(他帶領全隊一路贏得了勝利。)

