2013年3月27日 星期三

Klingon goes boldly beyond ’Star Trek’ into pop culture 克林貢語自「星艦奇航記」勇敢跨足流行文化

Klingon goes boldly beyond ’Star Trek’ into pop culture 

Why learn French when you could learn Klingon?

The language created more than 30 years ago for the "Star Trek" race of long-haired warriors has moved boldly into pop culture where few other alien tongues have gone before.

With a new book about the classic Klingon starship, Bird-of-Prey, and a Klingon spoof of the "Gangnam Style" music video racking up millions of views on YouTube, Klingons are showing a fun side that outstrips their Trekkies fan base.

Marc Okrand, a Washington, DC-based linguist, first created the guttural language for the 1984 film "Star Trek III:The Search for Spock." He also created the Vulcan and Romulan dialogue for the 2009 feature film "Star Trek." But he says neither language has caught the imagination of fans or the wider public the way Klingon has.

"Vulcan didn’t catch on, probably because Vulcans aren’t as much fun as Klingons. They are much more serious. The Klingons let loose and the Vulcans don’t," said Okrand.

Despite a tiny vocabulary of just 2,000 to 3,000 words, Klingon is the most spoken fictional language in the world, according to Guinness World Records. There is already a Klingon Language Institute, Klingon translations of Shakespeare’s "Hamlet", and a Klingon version of the board game Monopoly.

Okrand said he never expected Klingon to take off the way that it has. "I honestly thought people would buy the dictionary and look through and laugh and that would be end of it. I had no idea until a few years after that people would be studying it and learning it."


outstrip:動詞,指超越、勝過某人或某事,如The new hotel outstrips all other hotels in the area in size and luxury.(這家新飯店在規模和奢華程度上都遠遠勝過同地區的其他飯店。)

let loose:指讓某人或某事自由行動,亦可引申為指放寬、放鬆,如She’s the kind of director who’s willing to let her actors loose to interpret their roles however they see fit.(她是那種願意讓演員們視情況自由詮釋其角色的導演。)

take off:片語,指突然成功或大受歡迎、一炮而紅,如Her singing career had just begun to take off.(她的歌唱生涯當時才剛剛開始起飛。)

