2013年3月27日 星期三

Smoking ’rots’ brain, says King’s College study 國王學院研究:吸菸「腐蝕」人腦

Smoking ’rots’ brain, says King’s College study 

Smoking "rots" the brain by damaging memory, learning and reasoning, according to researchers at King’s College London.

A study of 8,800 people over 50 showed high blood pressure and being overweight also seemed to affect the brain, but to a lesser extent. Scientists involved said people needed to be aware that lifestyles could damage the mind as well as the body.

Researchers at King’s were investigating links between the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke and the state of the brain. The results showed that the overall risk of a heart attack or stroke was "significantly associated with cognitive decline" with those at the highest risk showing the greatest decline.

It also said there was a "consistent association" between smoking and lower scores in the tests.

Dr Simon Ridley, from Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: "Research has repeatedly linked smoking and high blood pressure to a greater risk of cognitive decline and dementia, and this study adds further weight to that evidence."

"Cognitive decline as we age can develop into dementia, and unravelling the factors that are linked to this decline could be crucial for finding ways to prevent the condition."


extent:名詞,程度、限度、範圍。例句:Everyone will have to compromise to some extent.(每個人都要做出某種程度的妥協。)

add weight to:片語,進一步證明、擴大影響。例句:Their new finding add weight to the theory. (他們的新發現更證實了這項理論。)

unravel:動詞,闡明、弄清、解決。例句:They were attempting to unravel the cause of death.(他們正試圖釐清死因。)

