2013年3月27日 星期三

Man ’swallows $13,600 diamond’ at Sri Lanka gem exhibition 男子在斯里蘭卡寶石展上吞下1萬3600美元的鑽石

Man ’swallows $13,600 diamond’ at Sri Lanka gem exhibition

Sri Lankan police arrested a Chinese tourist suspected of swallowing a diamond worth 1.8 million rupees ($13,600) on Wednesday at the island nation’s biggest international gem and jewellery exhibition.

Chow Cheng, 32, is believed to have swallowed the diamond as he inspected it at the exhibition, attended by buyers from China, Hong Kong, Thailand, India and Europe, police said.

"His intention was to steal it," Police Spokesman Ajith Rohana told Reuters. "The x-ray shows the diamond is in his throat."

Suresh Christopher Wijekoon, owner of the exhibition stall, said Chow had tried to switch the original diamond with a synthetic one.

"He realised that I noticed it. Then he immediately swallowed it," Wijekoon told Reuters.

The Indian Ocean island is famed for its blue sapphires, diamonds and a jewellery industry that accounted for $532 million of its export revenue in 2011. (Reuters)
這個印度洋上的島國以其翡翠、鑽石與珠寶業聞名, 2011年該產業出口營收達5億3200萬美元。


swallow:動詞,吞。相關諺語,look like the cat that swallowed the canary,形容某人非常得意、很成功。例句:Your performance must have gone well. You look like the cat that swallowed the canary.(你的演出一定很不錯,瞧你一臉志得意滿的模樣。)

inspect:動詞,檢查,視察。例句:The general inspected the troops.(將軍檢閱部隊。)

be famed for:以…知名。例句:The island nation is famed for its hospitality.(這個島國出了名的好客。)

