2013年3月27日 星期三

Childhood music classes help adult hearing 童年上音樂課有助成年後聽力

Childhood music classes help adult hearing 

Children who take music lessons have better hearing as adults, a study in the Journal of Neuroscience suggests. It found that children who played an instrument, even for as little as one to five years, had enhanced brain responses to complex sounds.

Compared with those who had never taken music classes, they were better at recognising different frequencies. This improved hearing ability can help listeners follow conversations in noisy environments, such as restaurants.

Report author Prof Nina Kraus said: "Based on what we already know about the ways that music helps shape the brain, the study suggests that short-term music lessons may enhance lifelong listening and learning.

"We infer that a few years of music lessons also confers advantages in how one perceives and attends to sounds in everyday communication situations, such as noisy restaurants.


infer:動詞,推論。例句:I inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave.(從她的表情看來,我認為她想離開。)

confer:動詞,賦予、授予。例句:An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Edinburgh University.(愛丁堡大學授予他榮譽博士學位。)

attend to:片語,注意,也有「照料」的意思。例句:Doctors tried to attend to the worst injured soldiers first.(醫師試著先照料傷勢最重的士兵。)

