2013年3月27日 星期三

Meet the Olympic athlete who was so desperate for cash he started a brothel 認識這位亟需錢乃至於去開妓院的奧運運動員

Meet the Olympic athlete who was so desperate for cash he started a brothel 

Some athletes make fortunes at the Olympics, but the vast majority don’t. For some it even becomes an enormous expense.

Yahoo! Sports has a revealing story about one athlete who had to go to extreme measures to meet those costs. Logan Campbell, a member of New Zealand’s taekwondo team, came home from Beijing 4 years ago with debts of $160,000. He reasoned that London would cost him $200,000. To make that money, he decided he needed to open a brothel.

New Zealand has decriminalized prostitution in brothels in 2003, and Campbell balked at the idea of being a "pimp". "Pimps are more tough-type guys. I’m an owner of an escort agency," he said in 2009.

However, when the brothel made headlines in New Zealand, the country’s usually cash-strapped sporting authorities suddenly came up with funding for taekwondo -- perhaps a sign that they weren’t too keen on having the sport associated with prostitution.

Campbell doesn’t seem too keen on reliving his time as a brothel owner. "I sold the brothel so I don’t really want to talk about it now, OK," he said.


go to extreme measures:片語,訴諸極端方式。例句:He went to extreme measures to get an edge over his competitors.(他用極端手段以取得勝過競爭對手的優勢。)

meet:動詞,符合,達成,適合。例句:I have to work at two jobs to meet the costs of my house mortgage payment.(我得做兩份工作才能負擔我的房貸。)

balk:動詞,猶豫不前,妨礙、阻止。例句:The defendant balked at reaching any kind of settlement with the plaintiffs.(被告不願與原告達成任何形式的和解。)

