2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》New James Bond film gets five-star Vatican blessing 新龐德電影獲教廷5顆星好評

《中英對照讀新聞》New James Bond film gets five-star Vatican blessing 新龐德電影獲教廷5顆星好評



If anyone thinks the Vatican newspaper is still a staid broadsheet that publishes only religious news and harsh papal edicts, consider this:recently it ran not one but five articles about the new James Bond film.


"Skyfall" gets a rave review in l’Osservatore Romano, which calls it one of the best of the 23 James Bond films made over the past 50 years.


In the main article, the newspaper says the latest incarnation of the world’s most famous spy is a rather good one because it makes him "more human, capable of being moved and of crying:in a word, more real".


In an interview with the newspaper, the current Bond actor Daniel Craig says he feels "very different" from the actors who have preceded him in playing Bond but does concede that the original Sean Connery is "a point of reference".


The Bond splash shows just how much the newspaper has changed. Since taking it over in 2007, editor-in-chief Gian Maria Vian has slowly transformed it from a newspaper critics said could compete with sleeping pills to one that follows current events, trends and show business as well as Church business.


It’s a safe bet that when the second James Bond film, "From Russia with Love," came out in 1963, the Catholic Church either ignored it or, more likely, condemned it as it did Federico Fellini’s classic "La Dolce Vita" in 1960.(Reuters)



staid:形容詞,嚴肅的、穩重的或死板的、一成不變的、過時的,如In an attempt to change its staid image, the newspaper has created a new section aimed at younger readers.(為了試圖改變原本死板的形象,這家報紙開闢了針對年輕讀者的新版面。)

point of reference:名詞,指參考點、參照標準,如The professor used the study as a point of reference for evaluating and discussing other theories.(教授用這份報告作為評估和討論其他理論的參考標準。)

splash:名詞,指引人注目的報導、產生顯著的效果,如 The news of her arrest made a huge splash.(她被捕的消息造成極大轟動。)

