2013年3月27日 星期三

Woman pays $200 for iPad that turns out to be mirror 婦人付200美元買iPad結果買到的是一面鏡子

Woman pays $200 for iPad that turns out to be mirror 

There’s an old adage that says if something is too good to be true, it’s probably a good idea to avoid it. One woman, who purchased what she thought was a killer bargain for an iPad on Thursday, found out the hard way that this bit of wisdom was all too true.

Jalonta Freeman of Arlington, Texas wanted to get some gas for her car at a service station when a man pulled up in a car beside her and offered to sell her an $800 iPad for just $200.

Ms. Freeman thought it sounded like a great deal, especially as a Christmas gift, and couldn’t resist the outstanding deal.

She paid the man $200 and he gave her a Fed Ex box with the Apple iPad inside. Her sister opened the box and the iPad she thought she had purchased turned out to be a mirror that was pasted with the images of the front and back of an iPad.

Ms. Freeman said that she felt stupid because she was taken into this scam, but became philosophical about the whole ordeal and told others to never purchase anything from anyone on the street.


adage:名詞,諺語、格言、俗語。例句:The adage "The early bird gets the worm" is not always true for any situation.(並非任何情況都能印證「早起的鳥有蟲吃」這句諺語。)

pull up:動詞片語,停車,振作、改進,責備。例句:Please pull up in front of the gate and drop me off.(請停在大門前,讓我下車。)

ordeal:名詞,持續一段時間的考驗或痛苦經驗、折磨。例句:Susan was deeply traumatized after enduring this terrifying ordeal.(蘇珊受到這起痛苦的折磨後,身心嚴重受創。)

