2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》San Francisco nudists rally for right to bare it all 舊金山裸體主義者為裸體權集會抗議

《中英對照讀新聞》San Francisco nudists rally for right to bare it all 舊金山裸體主義者為裸體權集會抗議



Two dozen pro-nudity activists wearing little but their righteous indignation assembled on the steps of San Francisco City Hall on Wednesday to protest a proposed municipal ban on public nakedness.


"We are here today in response to an attack on our fundamental freedom, our freedom to be ourselves in our own city," disrobed rally organizer Gypsy Taub declared as her fellow activists displayed signs saying, "Nudity is Natural" and "Nude is not Lewd."


"Nudophobic bigotry has now taken root here in San Francisco," Rusty Mills, 69, stripped down to his birthday suit, told his fellow demonstrators as they stood in the sunshine.


On the way back to City Hall, elementary school children playing on a schoolyard gawked and pointed at the naked demonstrators.


Supervisor Scott Wiener introduced the proposal to curb undressing after residents complained about a daily gathering of naked men in Jane Warner Plaza, a square in the Castro District.


"A lot of people who live in the neighborhood are just sick of the fact that seven days a week there are men taking their pants off and displaying their genitals on our sidewalks and plaza," he said. (Reuters)



lewd:形容詞,淫蕩的,猥褻的。例句:She began to gyrate to the music and sing a lewd song. (她開始隨著音樂旋轉,唱著一首淫穢的歌曲。)

birthday suit:名詞,裸體。例句:I had just stepped out of the shower and somebody walked in and caught me in my birthday suit.(我剛從浴室走出來時,有人走了進來,正好撞見我赤身裸體。)

gawk:動詞,痴呆地看;瞠目結舌。例句:They were gawking at some pin-up. (他們呆呆地看著美女畫像。)

