2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》World of Warcraft hobby sparks US political row 玩魔獸世界的嗜好引發美國政治紛爭

《中英對照讀新聞》World of Warcraft hobby sparks US political row 玩魔獸世界的嗜好引發美國政治紛爭



The gaming hobby of a political candidate has become an issue in a state senate race in New England, US.


Maine Republicans have created a webpage revealing that Democrat candidate Colleen Lachowicz plays an orc rogue in World of Warcraft (WoW).


Ms Lachowicz’s liking for back-stabbing and poison in WoW raise questions about her "fitness for office", they claim.


Ms Lachowicz has hit back saying the attack showed the Republicans were "out of touch".


"I think it’s weird that I’m being targeted for playing online games," said Ms Lachowicz in a statement. "Apparently I’m in good company since there are 183 million other Americans who also enjoy online games."


"Instead of talking about what they’re doing for Maine people, they’re making fun of me for playing video games," said Ms Lachowicz.


The state senate seat known as District 25 in Maine, is currently being contested by Ms Lachowicz and incumbent Republican Tom Martin.



back-stabbing(或寫為 backstabbing):動名詞或形容詞,陰險的,暗地陷害、攻擊人;原形backstab,動詞。例句:Beware of those friends who backstab.(小心會在背後捅你的朋友。)

out of touch:片語,與現實情況脫節、不了解現實情況,失去聯絡。例句:The president is really out of touch with the real concerns of ordinary people.(總統真的不了解老百姓真正關心的事情。)

