2013年3月27日 星期三

Job strain boosts risk of heart disease by 23 percent:study 研究:工作壓力提高心臟疾病風險23%

Job strain boosts risk of heart disease by 23 percent:study 

Workers who suffer job strain are 23-percent more likely to have a heart attack than stress-free counterparts, but the risk is far smaller than smoking or a sedentary lifestyle, a large study published in The Lancet on Friday says.

The new paper is a meta-analysis -- an overview of 13 studies conducted between 1985 and 2006 in seven European countries that adopted the same approach:participants without CHD were first interviewed and their health was then monitored, for 7.5 years on average.

In all, 197,473 took part in these studies, of whom 30,214 reported job strain, defined as having excessive workloads, time pressures and little freedom to make decisions at work.

During the monitoring period that followed, doctors recorded 2,356 heart attacks. The risk was 23 percent higher among the "job strain" group, even when age, gender and socio-economic factors, which all influence risk, were taken into account. (AFP)


strain:名詞,壓力。例句:Their constant arguments were putting a strain on their marriage.(他們時常爭吵,對婚姻造成壓力。)

boost:動詞,提振。例句:I tried to boost his ego by praising his cooking.(我稱讚他的廚藝試著增強他的自信。)

sedentary:形容詞,久坐的。例句:My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too sedentary.(我的醫師說,我應該開始做運動,因為我的生活型態太常坐著。)

