2013年3月27日 星期三

World’s lowest salary: Indian toilet cleaners earn £2 a year for 4 decades 全球最低薪︰印度廁所清潔工40年來1年賺2英鎊

World’s lowest salary: Indian toilet cleaners earn £2 a year for 4 decades 

For more than 40 years they’ve toiled away, meticulously scrubbing and cleaning toilets in southern India. However, astonishingly, two dedicated cleaners have only £64 EACH to show for their four decades of working their fingers to the bone.

Akku and Leela Sherigar have earned an average of 180 rupees - or £2 - a year. And for the last 11 years they have worked for free following a dispute with their employer.

The two women, both aged 59, started working as toilet cleaners for the Government’s Women Teacher’s Training Institute, in South India, in 1971, for 15 Rupees a month as fresh-faced 18-year-olds.

But they’ve not had a pay rise ever since, even though they have never missed a day’s work. They’ve now applied to the Guinness Book of World Records for the title of the lowest salary in the world.

In 2001, they finally had enough and complained to the Karnataka Administrative Tribunal, in Udupi, in southwest India. Then, their wages stopped altogether with no mention of any reimbursement.

But they still went into work cleaning 21 toilets, three times a day, seven days a week. And for the last 11 years, they have worked for free.


toil away︰動詞片語,長期勞累。例句︰He has toiled away at the guitar for years.(他苦練吉他多年。)

work one’s fingers to the bone︰動詞片語,不停工作、拚命幹活。例句︰She has been working her fingers to the bone to raise her children.(為了養育孩子,她拚命工作。)

fresh-faced︰形容詞,氣色好的、顯得年輕健康的。例句︰There are some photographs of me when I was a fresh-faced youth.(這裡有一些我花漾青春時的照片。)

