2013年3月27日 星期三

《中英對照讀新聞》British ATM allows users to double their money 英國提款機要5毛給1塊

《中英對照讀新聞》British ATM allows users to double their money 英國提款機要5毛給1塊



Police were called to restore order after a bank ATM in eastern England started dispensing twice the money its customers were asking for.


The Lloyds TSB cash machine in the town of Ipswich began dispensing "free money" to customers on Wednesday after the bank branch had closed for the evening.


As word spread of the glitch, a crowd began to gather, prompting arguments among those trying to use the machine.


Police were called in to keep watch until the bank’s staff could take it out of service.


A Lloyds spokesman said the machine had been "misdispensing" cash for only a short time.


Some 30 people are thought to have benefited from the glitch. It is not clear how much money the bank lost, or if it will be able to recover the funds.


Lloyds Banking Group, which sought a massive bailout from the British government during the financial crisis, said that it had cut interim net losses to 676 million pounds on the back of restructuring measures.


One Twitter user, @FizzySparkler, commented: "Nice to see one bank is giving back."(AFP)



glitch:名詞,故障;差錯。例句:There is a glitch in the computer program somewhere.(這電腦程式裡大概有某個地方發生故障。)

bailout:名詞,(財務) 紓困;幫助擺脫(金融)困境。例句:Greece has a total public debt of over 350 billion euros, and was twice forced to obtain bailout funds from the European Union and International Monetary Fund to stave off bankruptcy. (希臘的公債總額超過3500億歐元,同時二度被迫接受歐盟與國際貨幣基金的紓困,以免於破產。)

interim:形容詞,過渡的;臨時的;中間的。當名詞時,指間歇;過渡期間。例:in the interim(在此期間)。

